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How To Deal With a Toxic and Narcissistic Boyfriend: 12 Top Tips


An individual with narcissistic personality disorder has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, lacks empathy for others, and craves excessive attention and/or adulation. Being in a relationship or married to a narcissist may be a stressful experience that might drive you insane. In order to cope with a narcissistic spouse, you must first go inside their head and try to comprehend how they think and see the world. Narcissistic spouses are unquestionably crafty and manipulative. Because of their intense self-centred need to have things their way, they will constantly use manipulation to keep circumstances and relationships in their favour, even if it hurts their partner. Strategies to deal with a Narcissistic boyfriend

1. Accept and love yourself, even if your boyfriend does not.

The majority of narcissistic boyfriends have little empathy for their spouses. Your boyfriend may display some superficial charm or even go to great lengths to show that they love you, such as lavishing you with expensive gifts or dinner dates, but in reality, they are only interested in feeding their ego. Narcissistic boyfriends may be unconcerned about your needs and wants, as well as any personal goals or ambitions you may have. They may even belittle your efforts and accomplishments. They may even compel you to become a version of yourself that they desire, even if it is not who you are. You must be able to accept yourself for who you are and understand that, regardless of whether he appreciates you, you must take care of yourself and safeguard your mental health.

2. He will use your conversation as a weapon against you

Belittling is a common tactic used by narcissistic lovers to get an advantage. Always keep in mind that if you share something personal with him, especially something embarrassing like a childhood memory or a body part that you are insecure about, there is a chance he will use it against you in the future, especially if he thinks it will benefit him in that particular situation.

3. You need to be confident in everything you do.

Narcissist lovers like instilling doubt in their partners and making you question your own views, thoughts, and life principles. If you fall for their nasty techniques and begin to doubt what you believe to be right or wrong, he will mislead you by using your own doubt to convince you that what he says is correct and what you believe is incorrect. And it's extremely possible that living a life that goes against your beliefs will add to your stress and mental anguish. Always hold firm; you owe your narcissistic partner no explanation as to why you feel or if your actions or behaviours are correct or fair. A loving boyfriend will always respect your views and beliefs as long as they make you a better person.

4. Avoid silly arguments with him.

Boyfriends who are narcissists are notorious for starting stupid disputes merely to prove that they are correct and feed their macho ego. According to psychology research, a narcissist might demonstrate his mental superiority by winning an argument against you. The more you dispute, the more a narcissist will find excuses to scorn and insult you, making you doubt your own sanity and value. During a dispute, they never settle for compromise or meeting halfway. Narcissists frequently perceive things in black-and-white, negative-and-positive terms. It's either you agree with him or you don't. In any case, arguments will not work since you will be in continual emotional turmoil.

5. Narcissist boyfriends only care about themselves.

People that are narcissistic are primarily concerned with themselves, and it is clear that they rarely have true affections for their spouses. They may act as if you are the center of their universe, but this is because they regard you as their property/possession, and their clinginess towards you is typically motivated by obsession and jealousy. Accepting this might be challenging, particularly if you have strong feelings for your lover. Recognizing, however, that what appears to be love for you is actually his selfish desire to satisfy his ego.

6. Narcissists Boyfriends usually talk a lot but never take what they say personal

A narcissist lover will make you feel as though everything they say is about you, which can make you feel emotionally and mentally abused. As aggravating as this may be, keep in mind that it's all part of a narcissist boyfriend's ridiculous ego feeding game. You can play the game and risk daily mental and emotional breakdowns if you're stupid enough and willing to put up with the emotional anguish that a relationship with a narcissistic guy brings. However, if you decide that you are a strong woman and that you no longer want to put up with his conduct, you may leave him and he will likely find someone else to torment with his games.

7. Set Boundaries to protect yourself

Boyfriends that are narcissistic are infantile and want things to go their way all of the time. I understand how difficult and taxing it may be to learn how to set solid boundaries and be very clear about what conduct you will or will not allow, and you will undoubtedly feel overwhelmed by your narcissistic boyfriend's never-ending quest for dominance. It might be tough to say no and deny a narcissistic boyfriend's requests to take up your time or keep your thoughts occupied with activities that revolve around him. But for your own emotional well-being and mental stability, saying no to activities that consume too much of your personal time or annoy you is a vital step toward regaining control of your life.

8. Pay no attention to his childish cries.

The majority of the time, a narcissistic partner acquires power through gaining your attention and emotions. He wins control by consistently forcing you to lose control. You'll be able to effectively disarm him if you ignore his outbursts. But don't be deceived; a narcissistic boyfrend is usually clever and knows how to say and do anything it takes to annoy you. If you need to leave the room or simply go for a walk to clear your thoughts, do so whenever you have the opportunity; the aim to having peace of mind is to ignore his tantrums whenever feasible.

9. Ask yourself if he wants is right with you.

Because narcissist partners are self-centered and don't experience shame or regret for their acts the way others do, they find it simple to deceive and manipulate you by playing on your guilt or shame. If your narcissistic partner says something about you that bothers you, investigate whether or not it is accurate, and never let his remarks put you in a bad mood or cause you to doubt yourself. He can manipulate you by making you question your own perceptions of yourself or sowing toxic seeds of doubt about your talents in your thoughts. Always remember that you are a wise lady who is capable of seeing through his deception.

10 Take care of yourself

Aim to engage in things that will help you become a better version of yourself, such as going to the gym, eating properly, and developing your vocation or skill. Taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Your narcissistic spouse may accuse you of being selfish by attending to your own needs, yet this is necessary for maintaining a healthy balanced life style for yourself. Self-care allows you to refresh so you can contribute more to the connection. Getting adequate sleep, eating healthily, and visiting with an individual therapist monthly to assist process ongoing marital challenges and find support are all examples of self-care.

11. Know When enough is enough

It's difficult to break up with a narcissist lover because they are typically providers; they provide not because it's the proper thing to do, but because it makes them feel like a man, which is good for their ego. However, despite the presents and pampering, their emotional torture is out of control and can have a negative impact on your life; peace of mind is preferable to gifts, and the best remedy is than leave your narcissistic lover behind. If you have a strong link, start by taking a brief break so you may reflect on your own emotional and mental well-being and determine whether or not continuing to pursue the relationship is a good decision for you. If, however, if you believe your bodily or emotional safety is in jeopardy, a permanent separation and breakup may be the best option.

12 Seeking professional guidance

Connecting with a therapist or other mental health professional can be useful to you since they will provide a safe environment for you to express your concerns and develop a strategy for regaining control over your narcissistic partner. But, in the end, the decision to keep or quit a relationship with a toxic narcissistic lover is yours to make. Setting boundaries and being strong will help you identify what you are comfortable with and what you are not. Be clear and stand up to your partner and remind him that you want those boundaries to be followed, even if he doesn't like it. Consider talking to a friend, a loved one, or a professional if setting boundaries and sticking to them is frightening or unsettling to you.

My suggestion to you is to leave if the relationship becomes too poisonous. Do not enslave yourself in an unhealthy relationship.

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