My biological father abandoned my mother when she was pregnant with me, never to return, and my mother and I have no idea up to this day where he is or has gone and frankly we don’t even care. My mother was 19 years old and in her second year of law school when she became pregnant with me. She was extremely clever, and she brags about it all the time by presenting her 6 point scores to anyone who mentions grade 12 examinations. My mother’s father was a clergyman, and his wife was a schoolteacher.

My mom’s father threw her out of the house when she became pregnant with me, claiming that she had brought shame to the family, that being pregnant before marriage was a sin, and that the baby she was carrying (me) was a demon. He even gave an example of the pure and holy way to have a child by pointing at my mom’s elder sister who was enjoying her marriage and had a beautiful 5 year old son.

When my mother was 19 years old, she moved in with one of her friends' boarding house because she had no family who could help her. My mother's impregnator was a young guy who had recently started working for the government as a laboratory technician.

My mother met him at church, and they dated for over two years, during which time he vowed to marry her as soon as he got work. Unfortunately, he disappeared shortly after realizing that he had been responsible for my mother's pregnancy.

My mother was sleeping when her roommate returned to the apartment about 11 p.m. with a strange lady. This lady had a tattoo on her neck, a nose ring, and short red dyed hair. She was dressed in a very short outfit, holding a bottle of alcohol in one hand and her iPhone rattling against the keys of her Mercedes Benz car keys in the other. All the signs pointed to this lady being a queen of the nightlife, a boss lady.

This lady was moved by my mother's story and felt sorry for her. She brought her back to her house. She not only purchased my mother new beautiful clothes, but she also taught her how to live by utilizing the gifts she was given as a woman. So, before my mother's pregnancy became apparent, she would go out with this lady at night and hook up with wealthy guys. My mother was gifted with a lovely body shape and just the proper amount of fair complexion to pass for a mixed race woman (a colored). As a result, men used to flock to her.

My mother met this white man at a very posh club when she was three months pregnant with me. When they started conversing, this white man was taken aback by the fact that my mother was speaking in a highly sophisticated tone; she seemed so unlike the other women of the night with whom this white man typically mixed. My mother was smitten with a white man, they both fell in love with each other.

They began dating seriously, and three months later, the white man proposed to my mother, and they married. When I was born, the white man acknowledged me has his kid. We relocated from Zambia to the United States when I was three years old, and we lived there until I was seventeen years old. Unfortunately, my stepfather died, and my mother and I were forced to return to Zambia. My stepfather bequeathed his whole fortune to my mother and she became very rich.

Living in Zambia became difficult for me since learning the local languages was difficult. As a result, I kept abnormally indoors. My mother utilized the money she received as an inheritance to build residences that she rented out, as well as develop a cow ranch and supply meat to supermarkets, restaurants, and hotels.

I won't lie, we were really wealthy, and she got me a BMW for my 18th birthday, despite the fact that I had no place to drive it because I was constantly accompanying her in her vehicle.

We heard a knock at our gate one weird day, and when the man who landscapes our yard answered it, two people stood there, a lady who looked suspiciously like my mother and a young man in his early twenties standing next to her. All of this was visible from my living room window. I heard yelling from my mom as she neared the gate, and when I got outside, I saw my mother closing the gate with a furious expression on her face.

She said that the lady at the gate was her older sister, who had gone to see her after hearing from a number of acquaintances that my mother had returned from the United States. My mother was still angry with her older sister since she had just watched my mother being kicked out of the house years back.

I was home alone while my mother was away monitoring some meat delivery when I heard a buzz at the gate, which our grounds keeper unlocked once again. It was the young man who had recently visited with mom's older sister. He was on his own. I walked outside to speak with him and find out what he wanted. He said that he was the son of my mom’s elder sister and that we should not let our parents' dislike prevent us from attempting to bring the family closer together. He appeared to be a decent young man. He was a bright young man who was studying medicine and running his own business.

I never told my mother, but I began meeting up with this young man in secret, and the meetings were simply regular normal dates. Because I knew we were related, there was nothing sexual. However, at a lunch date, he attempted to kiss me, and I became so enraged that I hit him and fled.

He tried to contact me for days to apologize, but I did not pick up his calls, and I never informed my mother about it. And, luckily, my university admission letter arrived a few weeks later, and I was accepted at one of London's finest institutions. I decided to pursue law in order to pay tribute to my mother, who dropped out of law school after becoming pregnant with me.

My mother was overjoyed that I was traveling to London; she had always wished for me to marry a white guy like her and said that African men were untrustworthy. So she said that I as I study abroad I should also look for a spouse to marry while in London.

Fast forward to the future, and I was in my second year of study in London. And it seemed as if my mother's dreams were going to be granted, because there was this attractive white boy in my class who was continuously making approaches towards me. And after months of rejecting his love proposal, I eventually accepted it. We dated for a year, and I liked him because we had so many interests. Like me, his real father fled away when he was a toddler, and he lived with just his mother, just like me. When I informed my mother about him, she was overjoyed.

She also informed me that her eldest sister's son was always visiting her at home, inquiring about me. But she kept chasing him away.

I graduated from law school with this lovely white guy who loved me so much. (Lets call him Brandon), and the next step was for Brandon and I to marry, but the odd part is that he got me pregnant before the wedding. It was OK because I adored him; he made me feel wonderful, and the way he held me in his arms made me feel secure. My heart melted as he gazed at me with his lovely blue eyes. He treated me as if I were the only female on the planet.

Since I was pregnant, it was time for me to meet his mother, and my mother flew in as well so that we could all meet his family. When we arrived to his house, his mother greeted us with a loving heart; she had prepared a lovely lunch for us, and we sat at the table, feeling like a family.

The nightmare began as my mother was being led to her room to sleep, and while she was raising her luggage, a photo she usually carried inside her journal dropped to the ground. It was a photograph of my stepfather, her white spouse. Brandon's mother had an odd expression on her face when the photo dropped to the ground. She took the photo and revealed that the man in it was her ex-lover, who had abandoned her when she was pregnant.

She claimed she met the man in the photo while visiting the United States some years ago, and he pregnant her and refused to accept responsibility for the pregnancy. The man eventually relocated to Africa for business, and Brandon's mother relocated to London, where they have been ever since. My mother was taken aback at this point because the man in the photo was her loving late husband, thus Brandon's mother's claim that he was her ex was perplexing. She pointed to her son Brandon, who she identified as the son of the man in the photograph.

My stomach hurt, my world was collapsing, the man I loved more than life itself was being robbed from me by the terrible fate of this world, how could the man I was going to marry be my brother?, we had the same father! What am I meant to do when I love him and he loves me, and I'm carrying his child for God's sake, but he's my brother, and how could we have known??? What happens next??? What are our options?

Best regards


Snotra delux

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