male and woman feet putting on same shoes


When it comes to selecting a soul mate, there are several factors to consider. The majority of failed relationships occur when couples chose each other for the wrong reasons. Here is a list of 18 characteristics to look for in a potential spouse.

1. Good looks.

What constitutes excellent looks? Is there a universal standard for beauty? Personally, I do not believe so. It is reasonable to conclude, though, that someone must be attractive to you. If you're going to live with someone for the rest of your life, you should be able to enjoy looking at them. There is no universal definition of beauty. What is attractive to me may not be attractive to you. As the saying goes, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." Don't pick someone just because your friends or family think they're attractive. That individual must be appealing to you as well. So make an informed decision.

2. Dependable character.

When it comes to selecting a spouse, personality is everything. Choose someone with a positive personality. Someone who is truthful, compassionate, and loving. Someone who will not cause you any harm. Either physically or mentally.

3. Mutual attraction.

This is one feature that many people overlook. When selecting a soul mate and determining whether or not to settle down with them, you must be certain that there is mutual attraction. This implies that the person is also attracted to you. This is the entire point of dating. You must be certain that the other person finds you appealing. Don't impose your feelings on someone who isn't interested in you. This can lead to future unfaithfulness.

4. Maturity and emotional stability.

Consider the following. Is the person you wish to marry responsible? Are they emotionally dedicated to you and only you? Some folks are still testing the waters and are not ready to settle down. If you want to marry someone, be certain that they are mature and ready to commit to only one person.

5. Good personality.

It's a gift to have a companion with a pleasant demeanor. It's essential to have someone who can make you laugh or console you at your worst moments. Check to see whether you enjoy being around the individual and if their demeanor is appealing. A person with a positive attitude will always make you smile, and you will love waking up next to them for the rest of your life.

6. Education/intelligence.

This is a tough attribute since some people may not have a higher degree of schooling yet are extremely brilliant. This implies you'll need to find a companion who can help you address challenges being intelligent does not mean school. You simply need someone who is aware of how the world works. Your spouse must exercise expertise in their sector of employment or company, even if they have not had formal schooling.

7. Sociability.

Choose someone who is social as a companion. Someone with whom you may readily communicate and converse.

8. Good health.

Make sure you're aware of someone's health situation before you marry them. Some people may have STIs or HIV or other health issues. In today's world, most STIs are treatable, and you may even marry someone who has HIV and enjoy a healthy life together and even have children who are healthy. However, it is preferable to be aware of these facts ahead of time so that you may seek medical advice and live a long and healthy life. Because no one wants to be left a widow or widower in the early stages of their marriage, good health is essential.

9. Desire for a home and children.

Choose a partner who is ready to build a home and children. Some people are not ready to have children because of their careers. If you are the type that wants children then make sure you choose someone who wants children too. But if you both agree that you would rather focus on your careers and ambitions then it is fine as long as you both agree.

10. Ambition.

Choose someone who has a lot of ambition. Someone who has established goals for themselves in life. This will provide a secure atmosphere for you and your future children. Do not choose someone who is unsure of what they want to accomplish with their lives because they will pull you down. Select someone who is focused.

11. Refinement.

Choose a spouse who is willing to make life adjustments for you. Some people can't seem to break free from certain behaviors and addictions. Choose someone who is prepared to adapt to your demands by changing a bit in a good way. And you must be willing to adapt a little to meet their requirements in a constructive way.

12. Similar education.

Sometimes it is necessary to marry someone with a comparable educational background to you. How do you have great talks with someone who doesn't comprehend what you're saying? Between the two of you, there should be some common information.

13. Good financial prospect.

Both partners should contribute something to the table. Choose a spouse who earns a consistent income or has a clear strategy to do so. Sometimes you can choose someone who is not employed or working but as long as they have a plan to start a business that will make money then it is fine as long as you have the patience to provide for the both of you while you wait for them to be successful. If you have no patience then choose someone who is already fancily stable.

14. Social status.

Choose someone with a good social status. This does not mean someone who is of high status. This means that choose someone who is respectable in their social circles. Don’t choose someone whose social status might embarrass you. Someone who carries themselves in a respectful manner in the community or at work.

15. Good house keeper.

Choose a companion who will keep the house in good order. I'm not referring to maid service. I'm referring to someone who will be able to oversee and handle the household's operations. Someone who will assist your children while also looking after you.

16. Similar religion.

Religious disagreements frequently result in squabbles. When it comes to planning a wedding, there will be conflicting viewpoints if the religious beliefs are different. Some partners, on the other hand, are willing to accommodate to the religious beliefs of the other. Some partners may appreciate your religious beliefs, which is a good thing. However, if religion leads you to dispute frequently, you should not marry.

17. Similar politics.

Politics is the same way. Choose a spouse who shares your political ideas, which is difficult because many people hold opposing viewpoints. As a result, the greatest thing you can do is try to respect your partner's political beliefs.

18. Faithfulness.

Lastly. The most essential thing is to choose a spouse who will be loyal, trustworthy, and true to you. They will be yours till the end of time if they remain loyal to you. If your lover is routinely cheating on you, don't even consider marrying them since the adultery would almost certainly continue in marriage.

Best regards


Snotra delux

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