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It could have been by liking a photo of the opposite sex on Facebook or Instagram, or maybe it could have been due to missing a couple of their calls. The fact still remains the same that a lot of couples throughout the globe have ended their relationships with their ‘soulmates’ due to minor and silly slipups. Or the breakup might have been due to something serious like cheating or giving your partner less attention than they deserved. Many of these breakups might have been prevented entirely if each individual had a clear view of what their partner was thinking and what they wanted out of the relationship.

Unfortunately, since men and women are think differently, as the saying goes, men are from mars and women are from Venus, there are certain habits and tendencies that each of us have and do that may inevitably push a partner away. The fact of not knowing what might have caused the breakup or not knowing what you could have done to keep your partner after you messed up is the number one factor that makes a breakup very painful. However, you can find comfort in knowing that even perfect relationships end all the time and sometimes due to silly reasons.

It is not the end of the world and so you should not give up hope if you've recently broken up with the love of your life. As long as the sun still shines then there is still chance for you to reclaim your ex lover, and it's a lot simpler than you think. Even if you have gone ‘rain man’ on the issue and done everything you can think of to show your ex how much you want to be together.

Most of us individuals find it hard to get our ex back because we don’t have the right tools and we are not enlightened on how the opposite sex thinks or behaves, grasping the fabrics of the thoughts of the opposite sex still remains a mystery to a lot of heart broken individuals out there. We fail because we are constantly trying out strategies that we believe would work without ever thinking about what our lost partner might prefer.
This article will teach you how to use some very basic techniques to change your ex's mind about who you are and make him or her fall in love with you all over again.


From Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan or even Kanye West and Kim Kardashian all show that even cute and seemingly perfect relationships can come to a sourly end. But there is always a reason why relationships end even if it seems blurry and we can't see it at first.

There are a plethora of reasons why healthy partnerships deteriorate and end in breakups or divorce. You may have been subjected to pointless disputes, or you may have just discovered that your ex stopped speaking with you and subsequently distanced himself/herself, leaving you in the dark about what was going on. Learning that men and women think in different ways is a huge lesson. Putting male reasoning to the difficulty of regaining a female is typically ineffective as is doing the opposite, which is trying to use female reasoning to get a male lost lover.

The truly terrible aspect is that, despite their best intentions, both men and women in these circumstances tend to do things that, without even realizing it, turn off and drive away the person they genuinely want to bring back into their life.


The reality is that when people fall in love, they generate a hormone that is surprisingly similar to that secreted by patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This is one of the reasons why people in love can't think about anything other than their spouse. They can’t eat, can't sleep properly, and can't concentrate at work.

However, just because you're feeling a specific way after meeting someone new doesn't suggest your partner was feeling the same way at the same time. Not everyone experiences the same sensations at the same moment, just as not everyone feels hungry at the same time.

The negative side is that one partner in the relationship may start to think about taking the relationship to the next level. They'll spend time considering the future of the relationship and visualizing different possibilities for what will happen when the relationship advances beyond the dating period.

This could lead that individual to assume that the relationship has grown into something much more substantial than it has, whereas the other person may simply be trying to figure out what's going on with their emotions. This is referred to as a one-sided rush connection or an "instant relationship." One side feels they are simply dating, while the other is in full relationship mode and wonders why their spouse does not reciprocate.

In this scenario, the biggest blunder someone can make is trying to convince their partner that they should be together or that they love them. When males encounter this behavior in women, they may feel obliged to slow down or even escape, unaware of what is going on. They regard their partner as desperate and needy, and they may pull away or perhaps withdraw totally. Men are turned off by a woman's desperation and insecurity.

Many males, on the other hand, are guilty of doing the same thing to the women they like. They might try to convince her that no one loves her as much as they do, or that they are a better fit for her than another person. They try by all means to rush the woman to feel the same way for them which puts the woman in a tight spot and as a result the woman may pull out.


In practically every breakup, the key to reconnecting with your ex is to recall the beginning of your relationship. When you first met, how did your partner act? What, more crucially, were you like when you first began dating?

You were probably both on your best behavior. You both put in a lot of effort to make sure the other person had a nice experience. You'd also have overlooked any little personality or behavioral defects as you were both attempting to make a great impression on the other person. Consider the last time you spent time with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. Were you both having a nice time with each other? Or were you fighting, upset, indignant, or worried about the other person's thoughts?

If you weren't getting along, chances are your ex's mental image of you is one of you fighting, enraged, weeping, depressed, and scared about the relationship's future. If this is the image that they have about you the chances are that they are NOT having any ideas about trying to get back and have a future with you. Instead, they're probably attempting to figure out how to find someone who will make them feel happy.


Are you guilty of attempting to get your ex to reconcile even after they've broken up with you? Your heart may be hurting, and your intuition may be telling you that this is the person with whom you were meant to spend the rest of your life. Is your ex, on the other hand, feeling the same way? If you've tried contacting, texting, emailing, or sending messages to your ex on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and every other social media site in an effort to convince them that you're the best person for them, you're definitely driving them further away. The difficulty with your continual efforts at communication is that your ex interprets them as desperate attempts on your part. Desperation does not appeal to anyone, male or female. It smells like insecurity and clinginess, which are highly unpleasant traits in anyone.

Having confidence appeals to both men and women. A self-assured individual who knows what they want and does not depend on others to make it happen is ultimately immensely appealing to everyone. However, a person who is persuaded that the only way to be happy is to attach themselves to you is suddenly rather repulsive. Keep in mind that your partner most likely fell in love with a more cheery, effervescent, and confident version of yourself.

Your ex could be wondering what happened to the person they fell in love with since the wretched, lonely, desperate version of you isn't quite the same. After all, the miserable person in front of them isn't making them feel the same way they did when they first fell in love.

Would you consider yourself to be spending time with a fantastic person if all you experienced was unhappiness, fighting, begging, pleading, and efforts at persuasion every time you were close to them? Of course not; wouldn't you rather leave and spend time with folks who are a little more enjoyable?

So, what do you do if you've already fallen into the trap of asking or even begging them to return to you, and as a result, your ex has become even more distant? That's what we'll look at next, since it may not be too late to save your broken relationship if you've been sending continuous messages, contacting your ex, or texting, emailing, or messaging them like a crazy person.


These tactics are classified as "reverse psychology." We won't go into depth about it here, but you can search it up on Google. Reverse psychology in your situation will mean that You will behave as if you've moved on and don't care about your ex, making them question whether they really mattered to you since you'll act as if you're pleased you split up. Depending on what caused the breakup, these strategies may work in one day, a month, or even longer.

1. Avoid contacting your ex.

It may seem hard and ‘un-logical’ not to contact someone you want want to get back. Your first step in getting your ex to come back to you, no matter how much you want it, is to avoid contacting your ex in any manner. Please, no more texting. No more stalking them on social media, please don't call them like a crazy person. Stop sending emails. Stop questioning his or her friends about them. Let them not hear from you and this may make them miss you.

2. Start to rebuild your self

consider who you were before the two of met. You were most likely content with your own situation. You had your own life, your own friends, and your own hobbies. Return to where things were before you met your ex and get them going again.

Even if you don't feel like it, and your own unhappy emotional condition makes you want to stay at home crying and waiting for your ex to text or your phone to ring. DON'T. Put a smile on your face and spend quality time with your loved ones. Spend time with individuals who make you feel good about yourself and the time you've spent with them.

After a time, your ex will wonder why you haven't phoned or contacted them in any manner, and they will start to think about you. It is the who will start to call and text you trying to find out how you are doing, when they see you having a good time on your posts they will begin to think they are losing a fun and strong person that could have made them happy. Consider this: if your ex is worried, it suggests that he or she still cares for you.

3. clean up

Make an effort to maintain decent personal hygiene, clean up, get a great haircut or hairdo, shop for new clothing, and begin to look and feel better about yourself. Increase your self-esteem and learn to appreciate yourself.

4. work on negative addictions and habits

If you have specific behaviors and addictions that irritate or concern individuals who love and spend time with you, you should attempt to break such habits and addictions. If others who care about you often bring out your poor habits or addictions, it's likely that you need to quit, and once you do, you'll reap the benefits of becoming a better version of yourself. This will make your ex to start to fall in love with you again especially if you broke up due to one of your bad habits.

5. Cut of negative friends

Avoid negative friends or persons who will encourage you to be depressed about your lost love. Stay clear from these folks because they will not help you get your ex back. The objective is to resurrect the joyful, self-sufficient self that your ex fell in love with in the first place.


The fairy-tale pictures of love that most people have in their heads are mostly due to romantic movies we watch on Netflix. The movies have managed to persuade us that, after drama, fighting, and arguments, our true love will suddenly come to their senses and come back and we will all live happily ever after.

The reality is that it is you, not your ex, who holds the key to your happiness. To be happy or satisfied, you don't need another person in your life. You only need yourself, as well as your own particular interests, hobbies, passions, and things that make you happy.

You were probably happy, independent, and confident when you first met your ex. To the opposite sex, these are highly enticing features. So get out there. Have a nice time. Spend time with your mates. Watch silly comedies that don't make you worry about him/her or make you furious. Purchase some new clothes. Change your hairdo. Work out for a while. Make an effort to look and feel your best.

When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you become more enticing to others. Your confidence will instantly return, and you'll rapidly uncover reasons to be glad all around you. It will not only aid you in getting over your split with your ex, but it will also support you in reconnecting with the person you were when your ex first met you and fell in love with you.


So now after rebranding yourself, the time to get in touch is the next step, after 2-3 months at least you can send a casual text to see if they will reply. Don’t text or call them to say that you miss them or you want them back. After a few months you'll start to feel better about yourself once you've spent some time rebuilding your confidence levels to where they were before you met your ex. You'll also be in a considerably better position to reconcile with your ex.

When you stop talking with him/her, it's sometimes enough to make them want to pick up the phone and contact you to see how you're doing. If they've done this, you may be positive that he or she still cares about you in some capacity, but don't meet too soon. Before you do this, make sure you're feeling more like your old, joyful self. If they have not contacted you and you've been working on your self-esteem for a few weeks, you might wish to try a friendly phone call just to say hi. Do not insist on chatting about the relationship or invite him/her out for coffee. Simply tell them you want to say hi.

This also permits you to start a discourse discussing what you've been up to since you split up in recent weeks. Let them know you've been out and about, having a nice time, and taking care of yourself. It's also OK to "let it slip" that you've been thinking about him/her on occasion, but don't let the talk go too far into the relationship or the break-up. This is an important point.

Also, as you close the chat, note that you'd love to connect up at some point, but don't specify a precise time or place.


Once you've started chatting back and forth, make an effort to apologize for anything you may have done that may have caused the breakup; don't overdo it; just say something like, 'it's good to have you as a friend again, and I apologize if I acted immature when we were together, you're a really awesome person, and I value your friendship.' Make it clear that you are pleased and just want to be friends again.


It's no secret that people are infatuated with seeking what they feel they can't have. Unfortunately, many individuals go too far and start dating someone new solely to make their ex jealous. This is never a good idea. By running to another person right away, you're showing your ex that your connection isn't vital to you and that you've already moved on. You ex will not likely act on thier feelings for you, even if they still have them.

Playing hard to get is as easy as remembering not to drop everything and go to him/her the second they call. Allow the call to go to voice mail and call them back when you're feeling better.

If they give a date, you may accept it as long as the scheduled date is modified. On a Saturday, for example, he or she may desire and request to meet up with you for coffee. Agree to meet for coffee, but notify him or her that you will be unavailable on Saturday and that you would be prefer to meet on a Wednesday or the next Friday. It doesn't matter what else you're doing on the proposed day that they want to meet up, keep yourself distracted, call another friend over for movies or drinks, read a novel or watch a series on Netflix alone, wash your dog if you have to.

Just make sure he or she recognizes that you have a life of your own. If they want to be a part of it again, they'll have to put in some effort to grab your attention. When you do meet up with them again, organize another meeting ahead of time so that you are compelled to keep to a schedule. Explain that you won't be able to stay long and that you must leave at a specific time. This will most likely result in you cutting your chat short, leaving him or her wanting more if you've been enjoying each other's company.

Don't be tempted to call them directly after you get home to set up another meeting after you've ended your date. relax, take some time and wait a few days and see if they call you.

Remember that he or she still has images of the reasons you broke up in their thoughts. One encounter with you as your former self will not be enough to make them forget the difficulties that caused you to part ways. If you genuinely want those feelings back, you'll have to spend time rekindling them for yourself.

BE WARNED: Playing hard to get could backfire if you're not careful. You don't want to be one of those individuals who has a tough time deciding what they want. These are the folks who cross the line from self-assurance to arrogance. They become haughty and self-centered, expecting their ex to do all the legwork in order to rekindle the relationship. Be considerate of your ex's needs, and attempt to find out where your ex is in their life after you broke up.

Be prepared to leave the date and get out while the going is still good, if your thoughts start to turn sour while you're with your ex. You risk losing him/her forever if you don't.


Consider this: your ex became connected to you because he was drawn to you when you first met. His emotions would have been stronger as you spent more time together. Then, though, things went awry, and the relationship came to an end. They may have gradually slipped into the distance, refusing to call or react to your messages, or they may have simply announced that they no longer feel the same way.

Even if the fire is out, you can be sure there will always be embers blazing somewhere in the back of their minds. It's up to you to revive the flames by fanning the embers into a spark. If you're serious about getting your ex back, you'll have to speak about what went wrong in the relationship and why it ended at some point. Just make sure you don't start doing this too soon.

After an emotional breakup, you'll both need time to process your thoughts and figure out what went wrong. Of course, when you eventually meet up with your ex after a long time apart, it's vital that you avoid bringing up the issue of the break-up during that first contact. Allow them to see the cheerful, self-assured version of you that they fell in love with from the start.

Some people may be surprised as to why you didn't seek to convince them to return, demand to know why they left, or do anything else they would do in such circumstances. To see what you'll do next, they'll often pick up the phone and ask for another date merely to see what you'll do next.

Other people, on the other hand, will believe you're playing some kind of mental game and will continue to maintain their distance from you. If your ex is one of the latter, wait a week after you've met before contacting him to set up another date for a casual get-together.

While these tactics may appear to be uncomplicated, they are meant to make your ex think about you while you are not around. The more they think of you while you're gone, the more likely they are to want to call you.


It's foolish to yearn for the old connection you once had to be rekindled. After all, your past relationship is finished. It was a total failure. You don't want to attempt to rebuild a destroyed relationship. Instead, you should work on re-establishing the relationship, this time on a significantly stronger platform.

Consider some of the elements of your former relationship that you valued before it ended. Consider some of the areas you've recognized as possibly troublesome or unsatisfactory. Consider which components you want to carry into your new relationship with your ex and which sections you want to leave behind.

When you've re-established contact with your ex and are beginning to date on a regular basis again, it's time to speak about what went wrong in your former relationship. If your ex refuses to talk about it, put it on hold until they are ready. After all, if you're playing "hard to get" properly, they should start hunting for strategies to attract your attention so they can talk about what went wrong as swiftly as possible.

Rather than asking what went wrong, they asked a question about what they would like to see done properly. This gives them a genuine reason to put their problem-solving abilities to work and try to find out how to improve your connection. Focusing on the wonderful elements of what you both wish to enjoy in your relationship may be a nice way to deal with a touchy issue.

If you choose to focus on earlier troubles or the worst portions of the split instead, you may discover that your chats return to uncomfortable territory. This is a horrible strategy to start a conflict. Instead, concentrate on the wonderful things you and your spouse can accomplish together. It will be much easier to construct your new relationship on a stable basis if you both have a clearer sense of what you want it to be.


Many people naturally feel that if you're dating your ex again, it indicates you're back in a relationship. Your partner, on the other hand, may disagree. Dating is merely spending time with someone you like, going out, and doing things you enjoy, but it is not the same as being in a relationship. No, not yet.

Don't make assumptions about what they're thinking or feeling unless they express it directly. This also means you shouldn't demand to know when they feel you'll be able to renew your connection, or else you'll come across as the desperate person they already spurned. Instead, continue to have a nice time with your pals. Dates should be planned. Make sure you're both having a nice time. And, above all, make sure you're not the one who stops everything when they call or want to go out. Even if getting your ex back may be your top priority, you must also prioritize your own personal life.

When you're not with your ex, it's your friends, family, work, hobbies, and interests that determine who you are. They're a significant part of you, and they help you retain your self-esteem and minimize your stress levels. Let them know you're not available for a date every now and then, and that you have other plans. You want them to follow you until you're certain their feelings for you are blossoming. It won't be long before they're the ones wondering if the connection is still going strong.


If you've managed to renew your connection with your ex, make sure you're not disguising who you really are. Others may acquire subtle tactics to make others fall for them, such as behaving in a certain manner or saying specific things to retain attention. The trouble with acting in this way is that you aren't being yourself. Who is your partner genuinely falling for if you aren't being yourself? And what would he or she think of you if you stopped acting and started being yourself again?

If you're serious about restoring your relationship with your ex, avoid the impulse to employ deceit, mind games, or other silliness to convince people to love you. Simply be yourself. You know, the confident, vibrant, and fun-loving person he or she admires.

Make the best possible version of yourself. Keep a happy attitude, look for the good in people, and seek out strategies to bring pleasure into your life. Have fun with your mates and your hobbies or interests. Look and feel your best, and your self-assurance will shine through to the rest of the world.

When it was all said and done, your ex adored the person you were when you first met. It's likely that he or she will still appreciate you for who you are. So develop the greatest version of yourself for him/her to fall in love with all over again.

We hope everything goes well for you!

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